parking lot maintenance

Why’s Maintaining & Repairing Your Catch Basin Important?

We’ve previously discussed just how important having a properly installed and functioning drainage system in your parking lot is. But, we haven’t really discussed in detail what the purpose of your catch basin actually is. Nor why maintaining and repairing it is so important. Your catch basin plays several roles in ensuring the protection of

Why’s Maintaining & Repairing Your Catch Basin Important? Read More »

Regularly Update Your Pavement Markings

Regular asphalt maintenance is extremely important in preserving your asphalt and protecting your parking lot paving investment. Parking lot striping, or line striping is one of these extremely important asphalt maintenance and repair items. You should be re-striping your parking lot at least every other year. There are several reasons why regular updating of pavement

Regularly Update Your Pavement Markings Read More »

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