December 2017

How Snow Removal Can Affect Your Asphalt

Snow removal is a necessity for any region with mild to harsh winters. But, while snow removal is essential and lifesaving, it can also have some frustrating effects on your asphalt. Unfortunately, any piece of equipment that scrapes against your pavement surface can damage it. Where your pavement will see the most damages from snow

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How does rock salt and deicer affect asphalt?

Rock salt and deicer agents are commonly used before, during, and after a storm. While salt is an effective deicer tool for driveways, sidewalks, and roads, before emptying several bags of salt onto your paved surfaces, consider a few things. What material is your pavement? If your pavement is asphalt, we have good news! Salt

How does rock salt and deicer affect asphalt? Read More »

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