July 2017

Paving 101: Milling VS. Reclaiming

Milling and full depth reclamation are both environmentally friendly methods of paving that focus heavily on recycling and repurposing.  They both have their benefits and draw backs of course, but what’s the difference? Milling In this method of resurfacing asphalt, a milling machine is used to grind down the top course of existing asphalt, typically

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Do HOAs Include Pavers?

Homeowners’ associations (HOAs) are legal entities consisting of individual homes or condo units within a development. Typical developments that are a part of Homeowners’ associations are townhome communities, condo complexes, and some subdivision neighborhoods. Homeowners living in HOA communities are required to be a part of the homeowners’ association, as well as pay a monthly

Do HOAs Include Pavers? Read More »

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