asphalt maintenance

Asphalt Assessment Spring Checklist for Property Managers

Asphalt Assessment: Spring Checklist for Property Managers

It is officially asphalt repair season. That means it is time to begin repairing all of the winter damage and replace temporary cold patch asphalt repairs with permanent hot mix asphalt repair. The first step of your spring cleanup pavement checklist should be conducting a visual inspection. While walking your lot, look for visible damage […]

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Why’s Maintaining & Repairing Your Catch Basin Important?

We’ve previously discussed just how important having a properly installed and functioning drainage system in your parking lot is. But, we haven’t really discussed in detail what the purpose of your catch basin actually is. Nor why maintaining and repairing it is so important. Your catch basin plays several roles in ensuring the protection of

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Elements That Damage Your Asphalt Surface

certainOvertime, asphalt will inevitably begin to deteriorate and breakdown. On average, your asphalt surface should have a lifespan of around 15-30 years, if properly and regularly maintained. But, there are also several damaging elements to asphalt that can affect its durability, strength, and how long it lasts. Here are the top 5 most damaging elements

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Does My Cracked Asphalt Need Repair or Replacement?

When it comes to your parking lot, asphalt repair and maintenance is extremely cost effective. It is a vital asset in protecting your paving investment. But, eventually your asphalt will reach the point where repairs are no longer effective and replacement is necessary. Identifying when this is true, however, isn’t always easy for property owners,

Does My Cracked Asphalt Need Repair or Replacement? Read More »

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