The simple answer to “can I have my asphalt paving done in winter” is no. But the exact “cutoff date” for driveway paving is really dependent on the ground. We advise against asphalt paving when the ground is frozen.
Driveway Paving Guidelines
Colder Weather
When the ground is frozen driveway paving is not ideal:
Asphalt that is used for paving arrives on the job site extremely hot.
- When pouring hot asphalt on a frozen surface, it will immediately begin to stiffen/freeze up.
- This means that you cannot roll or compact the asphalt properly.
- Even if rolling asphalt to the appropriate grade, this will yield a result in a product of poor quality leading to very early deterioration.
- The aggregate material within the asphalt will not pack due to the stiffening from the application on a frozen ground. Therefore, this will result in stones loosening quite quickly.
If just the temperature is very cold and/or below freezing but the ground has not yet frozen, asphalt will not have the same hardening effect. Air temperature does not largely impact asphalt as the ground temperature does. Driveway paving is possible through to the first week or so of December. This is why most asphalt paving contractors (depending on the season & location) close up shop at the end of November or very early December.
Warmer Weather
If your paving project can wait until spring, this is likely the wiser (safer) option. Avoid unnecessary premature deterioration.
Caring for Your Asphalt Driveway
The most important thing to be doing to your asphalt now (late November) is preparing it for winter by:
- Crack Filling – Cracks are the leading cause of base deterioration. Filling them before winter (when the presence of snow and water will be abundant) is key in preserving your asphalt.
- Pothole repair – Potholes often show after winter due to its harshness and the freeze-thaw cycle. But, going into winter with an existing pothole will lead to larger damages come spring. At this time you can repair old patches. Although they are a very temporary fix.
Repainting your parking lot stripes – This helps to ensure extra safety in winter allowing important traffic guidelines to stand out better in snowfalls.
- Inspection & Cleanup – Before heading into winter, it is key to inspect your parking lot and assess any imperfections or damages, making note of which issues need attention now, and what can wait until spring. Cleaning your pavement prior to winter is necessary to avoid adding any additional obstacles to the already challenging snow season. Removal of broken pieces of asphalt and curbing is possible. As well as any other unnecessary items that are currently on your pavement that can be an obstruction for plowing.
Contact EastCoat Pavement today for your winter inspection and any winter asphalt maintenance needed before we close up show for the season! Booking your driveway paving now is key to staying ahead of the weather.