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Why Waiting on Asphalt Repairs Can Cost You

It’s been a crazy year. All of our lives have been turned upside down. To say that business has been unpredictable would be an enormous understatement. You could be forgiven for not paying attention to your asphalt’s maintenance plan, asphalt repairs, and holding off on repaving and seal coating. We’ve all had competing priorities.

One thing that is Predictable 

One thing that is predictable though is the effect mother nature has on paved surfaces and asphalt, whether it’s your business’s parking lot or the driveway of your home. So, while we’ve been dealing with ever-changing health regulations and new ways of operating our businesses –not to mention disruptions in our family life– small cracks in your pavement have likely become larger. These cracks can turn into potholes or allow the base under the asphalt surface to wash out –setting the stage for future damage.  

Pothole Repair

Returning to Normal

Now that people are beginning to return to their normal lives and routines, we find our schedules are becoming busy again. But now is not the time to neglect necessary upkeep because the other thing that is predictable is that small affordable repairs can become larger more expensive problems down the road. Don’t miss your window to address these problems. 

Why are spring and summer the best time for paving repair? 


While asphalt is very durable, the long-term durability is affected greatly by temperature during the paving process. While appropriate depthdrainage, quality product, and efficient configuration are also of huge importance, the time of year that you choose for your paving installation plays a significant role in the final product and how it will wear. 

Temperature – It’s all about the Base


The temperature of the mix on the base after it has passed through the machine is the most important aspect in determining the necessary time of compaction. If the air temperature and/or the base temperature are colder than required for a quality install, the mix will cool too fast, making it nearly impossible to obtain the desired and required compaction level. 


If any of these temperatures are lower than the required minimum, you are risking a failing pavement. The end product will likely ravel and fall apart because of improper compaction and installation. Monitoring temperatures and expected wind speed are important in new paving installation jobs, as well as patching repair jobs.  

Summer Plans 


Don’t miss your window to schedule needed repairs. If you haven’t inspected your pavement this spring, or you’ve been putting off repairs, now is the time to take action and plan your final parking lot repairs. Waiting too much longer will limit the ability to plan out traffic and scheduling. Plan now and avoid more expensive repairs in the future


Ultimately, working with EastCoat Pavement Services who has years of experience developing plans for asphalt maintenance will ensure that you are best prepared. While maintaining your lots year round can go a long way, repair will be necessary at some point. Our goal here is to help you maximize the life of your asphalt while minimizing risk. Contact one of our professionals today to discuss your maintenance plan.

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