Asphalt paving is not only a big investment, but it is an important one. Leaving your driving surface unpaved can be an eyesore and annoyance. However, it can also be dangerous to those traveling on your surface, and the structural components nearby. When it comes to parking lot paving, there are many safety concerns to be cautious of. Otherwise, it could lead to unnecessary damages associated with neglecting your paved surface. Finding reputable asphalt contractors is key in protecting yourself and your property.
Unpaved surfaces are easily weathered. Of which could potentially cause damages and breaking down of nearby foundation walls, pools, structures, etc. In addition to the damages associated with constant breaking down of the unpaved surface, without a proper drainage system excessive pooling and water exposure to these structures further increases the chances of damages from weathering.
Here are some key factors to consider when evaluating and researching asphalt contractors –
Web Presence
– While it is not always common for construction companies to have an overwhelmingly great digital presence, in today’s technologically-heavy world, they should. They need to have some sort of digital footprint. Before purchasing from a company, most property owners want to do some preliminary research. This predominately takes place through internet searches. Now, this is not to say that if a company has zero web presence, that they are automatically not reputable. But research should be conducted through other channels that they are on prior to hiring.
Asphalt Contractors Reputation
– This is one of the most important factors when researching asphalt contractors. What are their online reviews like? Do you know others that have used them? If so, what are their thoughts? Do you see a theme in some of their less than favorable reviews that is cause for alarm? Also, make sure to be aware of some of these common asphalt paving scams.
Customer Service
– When completing any project on your property, you are essentially entering a relationship with your contractor. This relationship is especially important when dealing with large commercial projects. If things are rocky in the beginning, they will likely only get worse as the process goes on. When analyzing a company’s customer service, it is important to also evaluate their organization when it comes to scheduling, answering phone calls, and showing up to the job.
Evaluate The Competition
– Getting a couple of quotes is always a good idea because it helps you to create a place for comparison. Having other sources to compare against can help you to determine who is the best fit for you overall.
Consultation With Paving Companies
– The analysis of the consultation process should have a couple of different areas of focus:
- Is it free? While some companies charge for consultations, generally a complimentary consultation shows good customer service.
- How detailed is it? It is important that asphalt contractors are taking the time to really evaluate your project, take measurements, formulate a plan with you, and most importantly; provide you with a written proposal/quote and contract.
- What is actually in the written quote? When you receive your written quote, you want to make sure that everything is in writing. Having what you discussed and the details of the entire scope of the project included. Read more in our blog What’s In An Asphalt Paving Estimate?
– If the contractor working on your property is working without insurance, your policies will be covering the cost in the instance of any accidents or injuries. Avoid any risks associated with uninsured workers by asking paving contractors to see their insurance coverage.
Finding a reputable contractor is important when it comes to any project on your home or a property you own/manage. The best way to determine what contractor is right for your project is by doing your research. When you hire EastCoat Pavement Service, you can feel confident in the fact that you are hiring a reputable paving contractor with over 20 years of experience, great customer service, and proper training and insurances. Contact us today for your free parking lot paving consultation!